The Viewing Room

Test card

1989 ITV Generics

National 1989 - mid 1990s


I used to hate the 1989 ITV Generics. I regarded them as proof of the decline of the regional dimension in ITV.

I was right, of course. But when you consider what has come since, they look like the last rally of the Golden Age.

Besides which, they're easy to have a bit of fun with. So, with nods of respect to my former colleagues at APFS, here are what some of their stations might have come up with if they had been "Genned-up".

Based on LWT (1955-1997) by Chris Oakley. ITV 1999 generic ident - LWT
ITV 1999 generic ident - Meridian Based on Meridian Television (1959-1992) by Mark McMillan.
Based on Meridian Television (1959-1992) by Mark McMillan. ITV 1999 generic ident - Meridian
ITV 1999 generic ident - Northern Based on Northern Television (1955-2002) by Ashley Barrett.
Based on British Pathé Television (1955-1981) by Andy O'Brien. ITV 1999 generic ident - Pathé
ITV 1999 generic ident - Rank Based on Rank Television (1958-1982) by Ed Hammond.
Based on TVS (1958-1982) by Ed Hammond. ITV 1999 generic ident - TVS
ITV 1999 generic ident - Television Wales Based on Television Wales (1968-1981) by Nigel Stapley.
Based on Television Wales (1968-1981) by Nigel Stapley. ITV 1999 generic ident - TVW

All images and text © Nigel Stapley 2003 and 2010, except for the original concepts where stated.