"You Must Have Been..."

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Picture of baby sitting up in a pram

I was born in June 1962. This is one of the earliest photographs there is of me.

I'm seen here sitting up in my pram (I can remember the smell of that plastic covering even now). I think the location is on the road between the two Pools (what later became known as Waterside Way).

Picture of baby sitting up and smiling

This is quite a rare one. I don't know what inducements they offered me to smile like that. The squint in my left eye is already apparent here though, along with my two lower front teeth.

Picture of baby in a man's arms

Me with dad. He was an old man by this point; at least, old for a new father. He was fifty-one when I was born. This was taken in the front garden of the house I was born in.

Picture of baby in a teenager's arms

Me with my brother Brian at the front door of the same house. He would have been sixteen at this time. As to why there was such an age gap between us, I suggest you read this.

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