This Is Not A
Date: 03/05/06
Blown Up Out Of All Proportion
"A young girl, who was blown out to sea on a set of inflatable
teeth, was rescued by a man on an inflatable lobster. A coast-guard
spokesman commented: "This sort of thing is all too common these days.""
In a letter to the
Independent, someone
comments on the fact that, in a few hours time from when I'm typing
this, it will be 01:02:03 04/05/06.
I can remember quite clearly where I was at 12:34 on 5/6/78 (none
of this leading-zeros nonsense in our day). I was somewhere towards the
north end of First Avenue, Gwersyllt. I can remember who I was with,
too: two very interesting girls from my class at school, called Annette
Batty (a noted folk singer today) and Jacqueline Matthias.
We had had one of our O-Level exams that morning (which one, I don't
remember - I'm not quite as sad as that), and were walking the
2½ miles home (no bus at that time of day).
And no, I haven't got anything better to do this evening...