Picture of a judge's wigThe Judge RANTS!Picture of a judge's wig

There's Always Something Annoying...

Date: 24/03/25

Alphabet: 'A' Is For 'Assholes'

Many times here, I've linked to channels or specific videos on YouTube...Permanent link icon - click on it to read the whole item

Date: 14/10/24


It was too much to hope...Permanent link icon - click on it to read the whole item

Date: 24/09/24

Thou Shalt Do-Nut!

I see that Sir Keith's Crackdown Nanny State has reached our local Sainsbury's already...Permanent link icon - click on it to read the whole item

Date: 11/05/24

Singing In The...Rain?

The latest winner of the Jonathan Freedland Don't Piss On My Boots And Tell Me It's Raining Award is...Permanent link icon - click on it to read the whole item

Date: 02/05/24

Not Encouraging

There was one of them election things happening today...Permanent link icon - click on it to read the whole item

Date: 15/04/24

Boy, You're Gonna Carry That Wait...

That I am not domiciled - not even for tax purposes - in Happyland at the moment...Permanent link icon - click on it to read the whole item

Date: 12/02/24

Off The Poast

Going back to this from last summer...Permanent link icon - click on it to read the whole item

Date: 12/12/23

"The Smiley Faces Of Genocide"

If you have the time only to listen to one voice...Permanent link icon - click on it to read the whole item

Date: 02/11/23

No Charge

I can scarcely bring myself to write about yesterday...Permanent link icon - click on it to read the whole item

Date: 06/10/23

Oh...Fluttering Hell!

OK, so what about Monday, then?   Permanent link icon - click on it to read the whole item

Date: 05/10/23

Out Of Sink

I've had better days...Permanent link icon - click on it to read the whole item

Date: 18/09/23


There is something deeply rebarbative about the current furore around Russell Brand...Permanent link icon - click on it to read the whole item

Date: 01/09/23

Kite Flying For Beginners

"Now listen to me, junior plebs!...Permanent link icon - click on it to read the whole item

Date: 27/07/23

Don't Twit, Be A Nit!

As I've remarked before, I don't 'do' Twitter...Permanent link icon - click on it to read the whole item

Date: 03/07/23

Spot The Difference...

...or, 'Today In Western Stinking Hypocrisy'...Permanent link icon - click on it to read the whole item

Date: 08/06/23

Intended Consequences

So after fifteen-and-half months of...Permanent link icon - click on it to read the whole item

Date: 30/04/23

Cry "Bollocks!" And Let Loose The Bonds Of Serfdom!

Can you imagine how the English state and corporate media would cover an announcement...Permanent link icon - click on it to read the whole item

Date: 26/02/23

A Grand Grimoire Of Gripes

Still here...Permanent link icon - click on it to read the whole item

Date: 04/01/23

This Was The Plan All Along

I have often had cause to remark...Permanent link icon - click on it to read the whole item