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Date: 27/12/08

The Impossibility Of Israeli Wrongdoing In The Minds Of The Friends Of Zion

December 25: Channel 4 broadcasts a short address from the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmood Ahmadinejad.

Number of deaths reported as a consequence of the broadcast: 0 (approx.)

Response from British Foreign Office:

"...[T]his invitation will cause offence and bemusement not just at home but amongst friendly countries abroad."

Response from Louise Ellman, MP for Liverpool Riverside, chairwoman of the Jewish Labour Movement and vice-chair of Labour Friends Of Israel:

"I condemn Channel 4's decision to give an unchallenged platform to a dangerous fanatic who denies the Holocaust, while preparing for another..."

December 27: The Israeli military once again bombs civilian areas of Gaza from the safety of their American-supplied bombers, claiming to be targeting 'militants' (code for 'people who voted the wrong way').

Number of deaths reported as a consequence of the attacks: 200 and rising.

Response from US State Department:

"The United States strongly condemns the repeated rocket and mortar attacks against Israel"

Response from British Prime Minister and prominent member of Labour Friends Of Israel Gordon Brown:

"I call on Gazan militants to cease all rocket attacks on Israel immediately...I understand the Israeli government's sense of obligation to its population."

Response from Louise Ellman, MP for Liverpool Riverside, chairwoman of the Jewish Labour Movement and vice-chair of Labour Friends Of Israel:


Even more so than their equivalents in the South Africa of Apartheid, the Zionists and their supporters are sowing the most bitter harvest. I don't want that to happen, but they seem hell-bent on making it so.

Update (31/12/08): Ellman and some other Zionists have finally responded in a letter in today's Guardian.

Guess what? Whilst they are "...horrified by the bloodletting and destruction in Gaza...", they "...cannot ignore that it was Hamas that called an end to the ceasefire..." (they can't ignore something which is an outright lie - Hamas merely said they didn't see the point of renewing a 'ceasefire' that Israel had already broken on November 4, when the rest of the world was watching the US elections).

So, once again, it's the fault of the Palestinians. For a far better dismantling of this footling chutzpah, see this piece from Mark Steel in the IndependentAn arrow to click on to take you to a follow-up item