Picture of a judge's wigThe Judge RANTS!Picture of a judge's wig

Date: 11/09/13

In Which Arseholes Get Kicked...But Don't Feel The Pain

Remember this story? If you don't, just give it a skim and then come back here, y'hear?

Today, the Employment Tribunal published its final written judgment, completely vindicating Mr Routledge and Ms Price and awarding very substantial compensation to them.

Except that the venal thugs who acted so vindictively towards them closed Howell's School, Denbigh down a few weeks ago and the company (company, note) which ran the establishment was placed in rather convenient liquidation. So Mr Routledge and Ms Price have been left permanently out of pocket, whilst the Lockes and their fellow boodlers will no doubt re-emerge to enrich themselves further from the pockets of gullible snobs and to stiff even more employees who won't fall in to line with their footling, self-regarding 'image'.