Picture of a judge's wigThe Judge RANTS!Picture of a judge's wig

Date: 09/10/14


England flag indicating that there's an English translation of this piece

Dwi wedi hen beidio â disgwyl safonau gan y BBC lle mae iaith (unrhyw iaith) yn y cwestiwn. Ond, weithiau, maen nhw'n fy syfrdanu i efo'u hesgeulustra, hyd yn oed. Sylwch ar hwn o'u gwefan heno:

Tudalen o wefan y BBC lle maen nhw'n defnyddio'r gair 'negyddu' fel cyfieithiad o 'negotiate'/A page from the BBC website where they use the word 'negyddu' as a translation of 'negotiate' (see text below for explanation)

Mae 'na'r math gair a 'negyddu' yn Gymraeg, wrth gwrs. Ond dwi ddim yn meddwl mai hwnnw yw'r gair 'roedden nhw isio, rhywsut. Ond, o leiaf, mae'n swnio fel 'negotiate', on'd ydi? Wel, ychydig. Ac mae'n dechrau efo'r un llythrennau, on'd ydi? Ddylai hynny fod yn ddigon da...

Ôl-Nodyn (14/10/14): Dim ond teg yw nodi i mi gael ymddiheuraid gan y BBC heddiw.



I've long since given up on the BBC where language (any language) is concerned. But sometimes they can astonish even me with their carelessness.

See the screenshot above, taken a few minutes ago from their website? The first paragraph translates as:

"The electricty and gas supply to about 60 homes in Caerphilly have been turned off as police negate with a man who his threatening to harm himself."

There is a word in Welsh, you see. "Negyddu: to negate". It's in all the dictionaries.

It does not mean, never has meant, never will mean 'to negotiate', which is what I suspect the semi-educated webster on evening duty intended to say. But, (s)he will cry, it begins with the same three letters! Isn't that good enough for Welsh?

Unless, the thought occurs to me, the valleys plod really do intend to wipe the poor bastard out...

Update (14/10/14): It's only fair to record that I received an apology from the BBC today.