Picture of a judge's wigThe Judge RANTS!Picture of a judge's wig

Date: 15/03/15

Another Thousand Words Not Needed

(A back-reference to this, in case you were wondering)

But I'll throw a few hundred at it anyway.

Photo of Ed Balls and George Osborne shaking hands

Here, from the BBC this morning, we are treated to the heart-warming sight of two true soulmates:

But it isn't just in this that Balls and More Balls are singing on top the same flagpole ["Some mishtake, shurely?" Ed.]. Consider:

In short, what we see in this picture are two pees in the same pot. If you are not one of the 'swing voters' in the 'marginal constituencies' (both of these categories of people being artefacts of one of the most hopelessly unrepresentative voting systems to be found in the developed world), you simply do not appear within the purblind purview of the political machines which - along with their corporate donors and sponsors - have taken full control of what we are still expected to call 'our democracy'.

It's difficult to avoid the conclusion that - absent (as the educated Yanks say) an actual uprising, which wouldn't ever happen in England unless the State threatened to nationalise B&Q and Homebase - we are (and I apologise for the academic jargon) terminally fucked.