The Judge RANTS!
Date: 19/03/15
March-ing As To Waaahhh!
So, what has happened over the last week?
- After my manic upswing at the start of the month (an annual phenomenon due to the newly-extended daylight hours conspiring with my Seasonal Affective Disorder), the counter-swing led to my having to take nearly a week off work with feelings of persistent fatigue which - although I had initially blamed it on one of those low-level infections which don't completely floor you, instead just leaving you feeling totally shite - I can now see as the physiological manifestation of the worst period of Depression which I have had for some time.
(The unstinting support of my manager - one of the few remaining ones who treat people as being more important than statistics - and of my colleagues has been precious).
- The death of Terry Pratchett.
(Nothing much can be done about this except express regret and anger, especially when it seems that his final weeks were about as unfitting as he had long feared they would be).
- A long-dreaded appointment with my dentist to remove what was left of my upper-left canine after it disintegrated (referenced here). Although the extraction itself was painless (and let me say it again, I have an excellent dentist who - despite no doubt wishing that I had taken better care of my gnashers down the years - always tries to make things easy on me), I am sitting here awaiting the wearing off of the anaesthetic before I dare try to eat, for fear of ending up chewing on something other than the meal, viz. my own upper lip; and this after having somewhat unwisely taken an absolutely essential nap when I got home (I slept very poorly last night) and ending up drooling blood on the pillow (sorry). I get the feeling that, when the jabs have worn off, I will need - for the first time in many years - to take a painkiller or two to dull things off enough for me to get through the evening.
I'm not exactly enjoying myself at the moment. You can tell, can't you?