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Date: 12/02/24

Off The Poast

Going back to this from last summer, the developer of Nitter has decided to stop developing it and as a result attempting to use the workaround I outlined in July will lead to you getting a message that the security certificate has expired, and you won't be able to get any further.

It is still possible to view TwiX accounts, though - at least for the time being - because a sub-instance of Nitter is still running (although, reading between the lines, that also might stop after the end of this month).

What you need to do in this case is replace the 'twitter.com' part of the URL with 'nitter.poast.org', e.g.:

'www.twitter.com/pchallinor' > 'www.nitter.poast.org/pchallinor'.

As before, functionality is limited and the pages are slower to load, but at least you can get to them.

In the meantime, I've removed the list of accounts I follow from the Links page, because I don't see the point of maintaining it any further.