Picture of a judge's wigThe Judge RAVES!Picture of a judge's wig

Date: 06/09/03

What? - The Folk's Going On!

For nearly ten years now, your humble Judge has occasionally provided entertainment at the Wrexham Folk & Acoustic Music Club.

I've just received the line-up for the first half of the new season. You can see it for yourself here.

The guest nights are likely to be quite heavily subscribed (it's quite a small club; small, but intimate and cosy), so it might be a good idea to phone Goff or Ian in advance to find out if tickets are still available.

If you're in the area, there's nothing, but nothing stopping you from coming along to the Singers' Nights, where the best in local talent (and me) can be heard in a friendly environment.

The first Singers' Night is less than two weeks away, so I'd better get practising now. See you there....