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Date: 08/03/11

The Lovin' Spoonful - "Daydream" (1966)

Now this constitutes one of my earliest musical memories - perhaps the earliest that I can still retrieve.

It's the summer of 1966. I am three years old, going on four. There is the warm, comforting aroma of boiling washing coming out of the back kitchen of the house I was born in (and where I lived until my early twenties).

I am trundling our long-suffering tabby cat up and down the front path in a tiny yellow and white plastic wheelbarrow.

Out of the equally long-suffering valve radio in the house comes (probably via the old BBC Light Programme) one of the most laid-back songs ever, composed and recorded by members of one of the groups which derived from the US folk revival of earlier in that decade.

The impressions of those days come back so readily when I hear this. "Here, Tivvy! Come and get in the wheelbarrow!"

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