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Dyddiad: 16/09/11

"Rhagor o De, Ficar?", neu "Rhagor o Ficar, 'De?"

England flag indicating that there's an English translation of this piece

Blynyddoedd maith yn ôl, ar wefan nad ydyw'n bod bellach, mi apeliais am gopi o record oedd yn dod ag atgofion melys o ddyddiau Coleg yn ôl ataf, sef Cei Felinheli Y Ficar.

Ysywaeth, syrthiodd yr apêl ar dir caregog, a llywddais i ddim i gael hyd i gopi...

...tan heddiw. Mi gefais hyd i gopi ar eBay yr wythnos o'r blaen ac - am y tro cyntaf, os cofia' i'n iawn - mi ennillais i ocsiwn fanno (£5.50 a £1.60 ychwanegol ar gyfer y postio). Mi gyrhaeddodd y ddisg heddiw, ac mi aeth yn syth ar yr hei-ffei i mi glywed y gân fendigedig honno'n glir am y tro cyntaf ers tua 1985.

Diolch i'r gwerthwr ieu61 am y cyfle i ail-brofi un o'r senglau gorau yn hanes pop Cymraeg.

(Dwi am fod yn hy rŵan - os cliciwch chi ar y llun isod, cewch glywed munud a hanner cyntaf y clasur hwn)

Clawr blaen 'Cei Felinheli' gan Y Ficar / Front cover of 'Cei Felinheli' by Y Ficar

"More Tea, Vicar?", or "More Vicar, Tea?"

(Sorry, the joke doesn't work in translation...)

Many years ago, on a website which no longer exists, I appealed for a copy of a record which brought back sweet memories to me of my College days, namely Cei Felinheli (Felinheli Quay) by Y Ficar, the prime (probably the only) purveyors of the 2-Tone sound in Welsh.

Alas, my appeal fell on stony ground, and I never managed to get hold of a copy...

...until today. I found a copy on eBay the other week and - for the first time, if memory serves - I won that auction (£5.50 plus £1.60 extra for postage). The disc arrived today, and it went straight onto the hi-fi so that I could hear that wonderful song clearly for the first time since about 1985.

Thanks to the seller ieu61 for the opportunity to re-live one of the best singles in Welsh pop history.

(I'm going to be cheeky here - if you click on the picture above, you can hear the first minute and a quarter of this stone-cold classic)