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Dyddiad: 24/05/12

Newydd Gyrraedd!

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Mi ddeuthum yn or-ewythr eto y bore 'ma, efo genedigaeth merch i'm nai Gavin a'i bartner Del. A hynny yn Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, Bodelwyddan, gan nad oedd lle yn Ysbyty Maelor a doedd y rhieni balch ddim isio i'w plentyn gael ei geni'n Saesnes yng Nghaer.

Mae'r fechan yn chwaer i Dan, Caitlin, Aled a Zoe, ond hyd yma, does ganddi enw.

O'r Newydd! (25/05/12): Wel, mae ganddi enw (neu, yn hytrach, enwau) rŵan: Croeso serchog, felly, i Olivia Erin!


New Arrival!

I became a great-uncle again this morning, with the birth of a daughter to my nephew Gavin and his partner Del. And this in Glan Clwyd Hospital, Bodelwyddan, because there was no room at Maelor Hospital and the proud parents didn't want their child to be born English in Chester.

The little one is a sister for Dan, Caitlin, Aled and Zoe but, up to now, she doesn't have a name.

Update! (25/05/12): Well, she now has a name (or rather, names): so, a loving welcome to Olivia Erin!