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Date: 02/10/04

Anniversary Waltz

What are personal web-sites for if not for publicly embarrasing your nearest and dearest? That opportunity justifies the ISP's subscription and the domain registration fees on its own.

So, I take full, slyly-grinning advantage of the chance to wish my brother and sister-in-law, Brian and Susan Stapley, all my love and best wishes on the occasion of their 30th wedding anniversary.

(Actually, it's on Tuesday 5th, but what the heck - I may not have the time to do this on Monday night).

Brewer's Dictionary Of Phrase And Fable, that last refuge of the desperate in search of weird information, tells me that this is the Pearl Anniversary. Leaving aside the thorny question of how pearls are made (i.e. a response to irritation), I have to deem this very appropriate indeed.

I won't get all sentimental about it, but if you consider a pearl to be something of great value and worth, then that just about sums them up, really. Through good times and not-so-good ones there they have been, not only for one another but for all their family, friends and neighbours. And, should any further proof of how well they have succeeded possibly be needed, all you need do is to look at their own children - all grown to adulthood without becoming involved in anything dubious or nasty, all now raising their own children to the same good standards.

I realise to my disgust that I have no photographs suitable to put here - not even embarrassing ones. Ho-hum...

So happy 30th, both! Here's to the next 30.